Thursday, January 14, 2010

Settle scores

Poor scores in tests are unsettling.Especially if you had prepared for it.
But lately,I have discovered a far greater danger - of exposure to a fast multiplying breed of pests,right after testscores are declared(yes,for both ,paper and pencil as well as CBT).
Let me elaborate on the matter further.
Suppose you are anxiously waiting to see how your scores have improved over the last set of exams.Finally,one day, the results are announced.
You get up early,on a wintry morning, take a 40 minutes tube ride to the school just to see the scoreboard.On your way, you go through your answersheet in your mind, and calculate the probable correct responses you have made.
Then, there is the important decision on your personal cut-off marks,which, if you manage to get, can enable you to mention about the test and its result,to your mom.If you remember suddenly that mom was in a bad mood since morning,the cut-off invariably rises.
Going to see the marksheet isnt all that simple.It requires mental preparedness for the worst,power of estimation,strategy,ability to keep secrets (sometimes in the face of heavy interrogation from mom) and ofcourse,nerves.
Finally you confront the marks ,and turn speechless.It should have been better than that surely!!you quickly recalculate in your mind the number of correct answers you think you had given.No,this is too absurd..your heart sinks.
This is bad.Real bad.
You are worried for the final test.After all,morning often shows the day.
Interrupting your thoughts, now a grinning lad of the class comes and asks you your score.
You make a sullen face and tell him too.What irks you is his expression.It is one of surprise and wonder,almost congratulatory,as if he didnt expect even this from a student like you.
You almost have to fight and control the urge to slap him.
After that day,in every single class,he makes it a point to come-up and ask you how far you have progressed with the studies,invariably the answer is -' nothing great yet'.
But he rolls up his eyes , calls the attention of those standing close and to your utmost embarrassment declares - "we are in presence of a brilliant person - who doesnt have to study but still can score decent"..this statement is not innocuous as it may seem to some - it is pregnant with sarcasm and waxed with malafide intentions..
If by chance you happen to score more than him - inwardly he goes mad with envy and if next time you score less ,he can drive you mad with caustic remarks.
This is a special breed of homosapiens abundantly found in Indian schools and colleges,with strong ability of procreation ( may even give severe competition to virus and other disease causing microbes),which may cause irritation,knitting of forehead,allergy and in extreme cases ,nausea..
No remedy discovered yet.


  1. hmmm...scores. I had many 'chaturs' in my class..too interested in others - more of a self-satisfaction criteria for them really. too bad as they need an outlet to measure themselves and derive satisfaction..and there was this other breed I called - agony aunts - oh they are good..u dont have to find them..they will find you sniffing their way through.. yet, I am lucky to have left them at school..its probably the way I reacted..dunno..I guess there is a way out..ear buds??? or may be utilise your!!! hell that's how I saved myself ..not vouching for it though!

  2. good idea..but its hard to recognize them at the first go..but u know,the breed here, didnt mean the Chatur-kind,these match scores, sigh inwardly and spew out venom...not just sulk

  3. Guess this one is not applicable for you.. U were always good at studies, eh?!!
