Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do we know them enough?

How much do we know our leader,our prospective head..That he could be kickboxing champion?That he gets to watch movies with famous movie stars?When his birthday is and which sunsign he belongs to?O, ofcourse we do get to read,predictions famous astrologers make about famous men in the new year.But is that all there is to know about men and women who will play an important role in the lives of a billion people?
Is it enough to know that a leader does not have criminal charges?Enough to hear the election campaign speeches and promises ,most of which are never fulfilled anyway.But come on,we can forgive a few lapses!After all,it stands proved that Indians have the highest tolerance ( for nonsense ).
I dont think I am interested in most of those statistics at all.Although I cant deny that they prove to be juicy reads from time to time.
Is it audacity to ask what my next Prime Minister thinks about abortion?Or what is his take on homosexuality?Does he think infiltration on our eastern borders is a matter of concern?That even the most vulnerable people,who work in the unorganized sector are losing work to illegal immigrants?The ordinary tax payer's money that is supposedly used to run welfare programs for the disadgantaged among us, Indians,eventually do good to illegals?There is no crackdown ofcourse,because these people are provided voting rights by the ruling political party and ultimately serve as props to keep an inefficient and corrupt regime in power.Does he plan to tackle that?Or is he going to use the same method,if he comes to throne and hence these 'trivial' issues are brushed under the carpet?
In his opinion should a retarded pregnant women get to keep her baby?Should the state provide assistance in such situations?
For that matter, I want to know,what he thinks of reservation and quota and whether he would agree if one said that it provides more political mileage than social equity.What does he think about merit based opportunities,atleast to a larger extent than is now prevalent?
Honestly, he never had to compete to prove his merit,not even to get admitted to the best universities of the world - those little things,lesser mortals call achievements, were served on a silver platter to him,it would be especially interesting to know what his take is, on the matter.
Well there are so many things we keep wondering about the illusive elite,but unfortunately,in our culture,there is no platform where "great leaders" are quizzed about sensitive issues.So much for free and responsible media.
Only when a wrong is done we all love to sit and judge.We dont care to use our mind to decide if there is any potential in the man to do right at all,before we bestow greatness upon him, and proclaim him our king and master.
Do we really ever get to know who our leaders (leaders:read the crown prince and princesses of the royal family in the indian political scenario) are ?How do they analyse?How they think?What their value systems are?What do they really represent? Are they progressive?Are they conservative?Or radical?To what extent?
Isnt it time he came down from the ivory-tower and open up a bit more. How long will only glamour hold us swaying?