Friday, July 22, 2011

Lover (Translated from Premik by Joy Goswami)

Today I opened the book,
the one you had given me to bring home rain-clouds,
there I found water,waist deep.

On turning the page ,
I saw
that water gathered into a small river
and drifted afar.

On the book full of flora,
that you had once given,
I cannot take another step,
so dense the forest now.

The trees so high,
they wont let a single ray of light
to touch the floor.

That book you had given to learn fountains,
now has a waterfall ,
gushing all day long.

Even that book which held
the feather you had gifted as a book mark,
has many birds flying all over now,swimming,resting.

All those books you have ever given me,
Are now deserts and mountains

All those books you have ever given me
Are now the sun and the horizon..

But yet, today friends are coming to see my library.
Coming to see if I am well-read!
What can I show them?
How shall I face them?

(translated from a bengali poem 'Premik' by Joy Goswami)