Monday, July 11, 2011

Cupid's Coffee (Part 3)

There is something about loneliness that reminds her of him.Or perhaps he sends loneliness her way so she never forgets the runaway prince?
Our princess often visited coffee shops.In this distant land,she sat alone at some quiet coffee table for a while before retiring to her chambers for the night.Here in summer,the sun shines till late.After her duties were done for the day,she stole a moment or two to walk by herself or spend it over a cup.
Most days,she read colorful magazines ,watched the crowd through the glass windows of the shop,gazed at the pretty young waiters and waitresses and idly heard the boys arguing at the next table as she drank the hot stirring liquid.
But even as she looked kindly at a yonder couple kissing,she could hear her prince whisper into her ears from another time'Princess,I'll be your genie,your guardian angel.'
'That's a tough promise to keep.You will have to be at my beck and call'she had said to him,and they had both smiled.
She had believed in that promise,held on to it for comfort.It still kept her warm in those spells of solitude.And yet she knew in her heart,she would never call him,neither in her times of distress nor to test his veracity.She did not have the courage to see it proved to her,that she had meant nothing to him.
In truth,she knew,this was not love.Only a melodic theme of a prince and a princess ,though far away from each other, and busy in a thousand ways in their own world with other people,who were strongly under each other's enchantment of love.
Our princess was either a romantic,or too attached to her captor.