Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cupid's Coffee (Part 2)

She sat by a large window.Her coffee ran cold.A book lay open on the table in front,but her mind was astray.
Tomorrow she was leaving this city.She was to go across the oceans to a new land.But tonight,all she could think of was,him.Her lost prince.
Her thoughts were often interrupted by the ring of her phone.Friends called to wish her well.She wound up the calls quickly.
Gently,she tended to the memory of their time together.She could recall every word they had interchanged.Any other person,if given the chance to read her mind,could have found their talks obscure,even stale at times,but to her, everything they had ever shared,seemed fresh.The thought of him,his ideas,his words, always made her smile.He had sometimes looked very matured,sometimes playful,sometimes liberal,sometimes radical,conservative,sometimes tough and other times completely vulnerable, totally innocent, just like a child.
She was living over their togetherness,at this coffee shop,for the last time.
It had been months since she saw him,and yet,if she closed her eyes,he stood right there before her.
When they had first met at this coffee shop,he looked very familiar,but back then,she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.Long after,she pondered over this,till one evening she realized why.
He reminded her of Michelangelo's David.
He had left her,and gone far away,to a fairy,yet,did she long for him?Yes,she admitted to herself.
In her mind,she had been fighting to forget him and to her dismay,found that could not be.It had taken her long to reconcile,to be at peace with herself and at the same time be happy for him.Today was to be her final act of balancing.
After midnight ,she left the shop,went back to her bed lined with silk,and slept a peaceful sleep.
Next morning the sun rose over her troubles.She woke to a fresh start.

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