Friday, September 10, 2010

Surreal - 2

Thats what I love about the power play - Its predictably gross and yet they indulge in it.
The party which rules at the Centre and the party which rules the state where Niyamagiri lies - are of course in opposition to each other.Infact all the opposition parties to the state government have got their long awaited opportunity to nail their ruling rival!
The hapless tribals now have the weight of powerful politicians behind them.The same central department which had earlier given environmental clearance to the powerful mining lobby,has now suspended their approval,sensing a political mileage that the move can get them.
Then of-course,there is some comic relief provided too.For instance,the king-in- waiting was heard announcing that he was the soldier of the tribals.
For those who are wondering ,on whose side I am,my answer is - our side.The side of the exploited,the underdogs.All the drama that goes on, rallying the event is just that - pure drama.
The other states ruled by the opposition parties,have problems of very similar nature,severe conflicts over land acquisition and displacement of indigenous people.Though not for mining projects,but several other kinds,be it car manufacturing units or nuclear power generation projects.How can they expect to fight against a cause in one state and lobby for the opposite cause in their own state and still remain credible?
I think,thats the last thing on their minds,anyway.
In this land,politics is not about public good,not about patriotism,not about development,not about vision to turn us into a great power,not about tackling unemployment,not about fighting poverty,not about restoring people's rights. As I said earlier - this is a quest for power,at any cost.

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