Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cupid's Coffee

Nowadays Cupid doesnt hit arrows anymore.Nor darts either.
After all,a chubby infant cannot shoulder the blame of creating nuisance for an already overburdened healthcare system.Such and other practical considerations have forced him to change his methods.
Plus,this is the era of upgrading to smart,new techniques.Why should the little god stay behind?
Coming to our story now.
A princess from the hills met a prince from the great plains, in a faraway city, at a neat little coffee shop.
A bit of spilt coffee,a stain on a white shirt,a clumsy apology,and a few warm smiles and words that passed between them, made them friends that day.
Since then ,every single evening they met at a little table inside that shop, at the strike of 11.30,almost like a ritual.
Their table was lit by a 40 watt bulb under a dark lampshade and on the wall opposite them,hung a framed poster of a famous Cupid painting.Sitting there,immersed in each other's words,they went on for hours about stories of the past and the present, their growing up years, mom,dad,friends, family,other people,other lands,other kingdoms,their beliefs,their hopes,their dreams...while steadily,the clock ticked past.
The coffee shop remained open all through the night,but hardly a few customers came by,so nothing ever disturbed their peace.
When every night turned into day,they left for their separate worlds with a promise to meet again.
One day ,suddenly,our prince announced to the princess,he was going to the land of fairies."We wont meet from tomorrow.But you take care of yourself,ok"
"Going away?"She thought."Where is he going?And why?To seek what?"So many questions stormed her from within.This news was too sudden.
But she composed herself quickly,and confined the storm to a deep private chamber inside herself.Outwards,she smiled at him."Is it?Thats great news.You take care too"
They went back early that evening.The prince was was short of time,he had a long way to travel.

And so they shook hands,wished each other well and parted ways.But they forgot their hearts on that two-seater coffee table,under Cupid's shadow.

(..To be continued..)

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