Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Damned Diplomacy

Panda diplomacy is inscrutably Chinese.
Back in 2001,Donald Rumsfeld, the then defence secretary to President Bush had advised his boss to elevate China to the status of global enemy number one.China was perceived as the principal threat to American global dominance.
But much to the surprise of everyone,USA's decision to turn more of its guns and missiles towards China was returned with a proverbial 'turning the other cheek'.China generously forgave its capital friend.
Not only did China forgive and hug them,but, also presented them with precious Pandas.
But, they were not the only lucky ones,some others too got this premier China-friends club membership - Australia,Taiwan,Japan,Hongkong.
Though we heard some chatter about the Taiwanese president Shen Chui Bian daring to refuse the gift..How impolite!
Well,in 2009,Chen Shui Bian has been convicted of criminal charges along with his beloved wife..
Our reaction? ...May be it is unlucky to refuse Pandas,perhaps that disturbs the planetary positions in your astrological birth charts!
Recently,USA did something to invite the ire of its bosom buddy.How did we know?Because China called back its pandas from the US.
It took quite some amount of brainstorming to figure out what could have angered the Chinese,people resorted to all kinds of wild guesses till it was officially made known that - as President Obama and Dalai Lama shook hands - China's heart was shattered,burnt and devastated..
Really,how could the Americans do this - even with the Pandas on their conscience!
Our reaction?They may forgive you if u train your missiles and guns on them,but they will never again see you in the eye if u talk to a certain monk...Hmmm...this is beyond astrology too,as byzantine as feng shui.

1 comment:

  1. nice one... rofl... just googled this article on the same topic : http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article7026304.ece

    Its high time kung fu panda takes its true form. :P
    The droll reality just disproves Newtons Third Law and exemplifies the way China runs itself.
