Thursday, November 3, 2011

(series name - Already I'm so lonesome I could cry) - Long ago me and B

We were once mistaken for twins.Yeah,that was original.
Our co-passengers on the train noticed how bitterly we were arguing over an article in the magazine,and must have decided - no dating couple is foolish enough to let precious stolen private eight hours of a train journey ,just pass away over some magazine news.
One of the boys sitting opposite,haltingly asked B - are u ....two...? B retorted - Are you..what? - an unusual spill-over of his classic annoyance from our fight.Generally he is very polite to strangers.
But he regained his cool,quickly and it turned out our co-passengers had a bet ,on whether we were a couple or just siblings.


  1. although I am quite challenged as far as remembering things are concerned I do remember this one... One of them actually became philosophical maybe after spotting a window of opportunity :) happy days !!!

  2. I wish,someone had asked me that,I would have said - 'both'.Wouldn't it be fun, to see the shocked faces ;)
