Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Gogo

Mr.Gogo little dah'ling
Climbs a big tree
without falling
Higher up ,up.
Mr Squirrel takes the lead
Gogo follows
with great speed
To the green town
at the top.

Four baby sparrows
were home alone.
One nibbled away
at a small plankton
They were playing
hide and seek
their sweet chirping
sounds all Greek.

But little people
can convey
heartfelt words
in their own way

So,Little Gogo knocked the door
shook his hands with all four
promptly joined them
in their game,
just then he heard mommy call his name.

'Come down now,or I'll wring your ear!'

'But I am just playing Mommy dear!

said little Gogo from his perch.
Mommy's orders are too staunch
Down came Gogo
to eat his lunch.
But,whenever,like it, he felt,
or boredom smelt
quietly climbed up
where his four friends dwelt.
To play with them
or share a munch.
and Mommy never has a hunch!


  1. To my Gogo
    who is three
    and has never
    climbed a tree.

    (and to all the little children
    who grow up in this concrete jungle
    far away from green)

  2. you should name this Ogo , Ode to Gogo
