Sunday, April 11, 2010

When he knows too much French.

After constantly walking for 6 long hours and baking in the sun on an empty stomach,I put my foot down.
I had spotted a shop yet again,and this time I had made up my mind to eat,whether the kid did or not (yes,I still variously call him kid or boy ,much to his indignation).When i pointed the shop,he agreed to come after a little persuasion.
On our way in,he said - Order in French.Here,they'll understand.
Okay so I fell for this silly trap.I walked up nervously to the smiling girl at the counter and said 'Vendez-vous des brownies?' (I meant 'Do you sell brownies?')
I am sure what I said wasnt incomprehensible - but the girl gave a quizzical expression first to me and then to him..I noticed this mocking smile on his lips and on the spur of the moment, explaining brownies to this girl became a matter of prestige.So I took another shot - 'francais brownies' (I think that did it)..Both she and the kid chuckled ,and, ofcourse, as could be expected,he took the masterly step forward ,and ordered the food..(in English)..
I was too hungry and thirsty to fight him then.But just on stepping out ,I made sure he got the hardest pinch ever..

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