Friday, December 11, 2009


It had been raining all morning so the air was damp and cold.After sundown, draped in a shawl,I sat on the porch in the big armchair, reading a book, with a hot cup of coffee on the sidepiece,patiently waiting for him to come home.
After a couple of hours his car pulled up, outside the gate.I stood up and stepped forward to greet him.
We went inside together.A little later we sat together in front of the hearth in his favourite white couch immersed in our own little world


When I looked out of the grounded glasses of my window, the sky revealed a dull grey, drops of water had formed on the glass.I pushed open the window to be greeted by the early morning brought in a fresh whiff of fragrance though not of any familiar flower.I breathed in once,deep and full.There was a slight chill in the air.
I stood there for a long time. A white veil slipped over the green serenity in front of me, almost looked as if many strings of pearls dropped one after the other...there was no sound except that of the falling raindrops on the wooden rooftop of myhouse.
The silence broke when he called my name.I turned to face him,wearing a mischevious smile , he came closer ,put his arms around me but reached out to close the windows.He closed the windows before closing his arms on me draping us both in a shawl.